We are the Dreamers

Hermia and Lysander. A Midsummer Night's Dream (1870)

There are always going to be Tarot lovers, enthusiasts and the evolving curiosity that surrounds Tarot mysteries - but there are also the legacies that you can create. The books you could write, stories that you can tell. Forget the big names, the trail blazers and the sometimes intimidating 'celebrities' on the circuit. When you think about it, they’re just people who also love Tarot but actively pursue the spotlight. They want it more because it holds prestige, or recognition or adds value to their ego. If you are behind the camera, or ghost writing, creating nom de deplumes or even just having a successful private practise, that is your success story.

It's a bit like pop stars back in the day. You only saw them in magazines or posters, but now you can see, hear and almost connect with them instantly - that can be a blessing and a wake-up call. Open up your cards, open your heart and you will find your own harmonies. As the old saying goes, it's not always the greatest thing to meet your idols. So I say, don't have any. Just make your own way because in the end, you are your own creator. You are your own destiny. Follow your own light and know that if you have the best intentions for all, the blessings will just unfold naturally. Whatever you create there’s always someone who will think it’s their idea or theirs to take from. As a designer, I know that all too well. As for the art of Tarot and authors, educators and soothsayers – we create our future. On a soul level we contribute to the collective – but we also plant our own seed.

I also have been thinking about the usage of the word 'teacher' or 'school'. I think it's really important to save space for those who are curious. Sharing knowledge is key but most of it is just life experience and Tarot is my tool. That is where your readings are unique. The lens that I see through and my subconscious is a contributing force behind interpreting the cards. There's also the expectation that surrounds being a 'teacher'. Students want answers and they are curious to know what you know. I can apply my life experience to the cards and I can see events unfolding often in others - therefore if I have this ability, I will make use of it. There is a saturation of esoterica on the internet and we can only reach our community through showing up, keeping in touch and talking to our friends and fellow enthusiasts. Why wake up every day and 'try' to cut through. Just do your best. If you do that, the rest will fall into place.

I have been reading Joseph Campbell books again recently and there is so much to create, the possibilities are infinite. Do you want to just subscribe to the mundane or are you willing to put your ideas into the mix? To connect on a soul level is the essence of a great Tarot reading; so put your heart and soul into your cards and how you interpret them. We don’t deliberately ignore the archetypes, or need to subscribe to them, because there is always room for innovation, imagination and new ideas. It’s not confusing, it just makes it more interesting! Symbolism in the Tarot is so relevant still, but those symbols will be interpreted as the world around us evolves. Take any Tarot card and it’s themes, apply it to a subject you find interesting and see if you can make a connection… Are you of the belief that Saturnian energy is here to teach you? Ok, what do you need a lesson in lately? Patience? Forgiveness? Balance? The more questions we ask of ourselves, the more you will find the answers in the Tarot.


Must be Talking to an Angel


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