Astrology for Beginners
In this 4 week course we will run through an overview on the planets, zodiacs, houses and moon cycles. Why certain days of the week bring different energies and how you can choose times of the year that can benefit you in business, relationships and personal growth. You can also start to understand how to read your own chart!
Included is a PDF e-book of 115 pages as well as narrated video and audio classes over 4 weeks. Each class is about 90 mins.
Once you sign up you have lifetime access with no recurring payment or subscription required. I offer my life experience in reading the signs and planets combined with my spiritual knowledge.
This is a great preparation course for understanding Astrology in Tarot in RWS Masterclass then upgrade to The Decan Diaries should you wish to take your Tarot reading to the next level. Yes, Astrology is in EVERY card!
Week 1
Signs & Seasons
Elements & Qualities
Elements of Nature
Four Angles - The Cross
Elements & Modalities
12 Houses and House Systems
Week 2
Days of the Week
The Sun and Moon’s Story
Phases of the Moon
Planet Mythology
Personal & Transpersonal Planets
Week 3
The 12 Zodiac Signs
The 10 Ruling Planets
The 6 Opposite Signs
Week 4
Chart Interpretation
Day & Night Charts
Step by Step Components
Transits - Chart Analysis